A thing or two, or more… about conflict management

Just what I observe. Here I note down and going to do some reading about it.

Velika Li
1 min readOct 31, 2021

There are many kinds of conflict be it external or internal. Here I define the two based on the conflicting entities. If it involves other party: external. Internal means inwardly conflicting. Conflict could arise from clashing principles and/or misalignment of desired condition and the actual one. Speaking from experience, whether conflicts are for good or not depends on the outcome of the management. Conflict would affect people constructively if it comes with good, concrete solution.

While conflict management is defined as resolving disputes with prioritized positive outcomes and minimized negative side to it; sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. In short, the ability to see and to solve conflict. For me, avoiding conflicts, the unnecessary ones, before they emerge is a form of conflict management, though it might seem stoic. In case of inevitability of it, which usually happen frequently: accept and see with clear mind; which then requires us to calm any emotions. Anger might arise, and anger can be articulated in a sensible, right manner, without being explosive.

Conflict carries clashing energies and thoughts. Resolving disputes aim to put situation in harmonious state that people can work together achieving collective goal.

Need to read further about this. I think this topic would be interesting to follow and to note.



Velika Li

A nerd with varied interests. Currently reforming old habit.